KR-800 Auto Kerato-Refractometer
Very accurate in the assessment of vision, contact lens fitting and various diseases of the cornea and inner eye structures. Using an automated, computerized refracting system, we can determine the best prescription for you.
Zeiss CLARUS® 500
The only fundus imaging system that combines True Color and clarity within an ultra-wide field of view, enabling clinicians to manage patients with confidence
Includes the latest in retina and glaucoma diagnostics, such as OCT angiography and en face imaging
CV-5000S Automated Vision Tester
Using a digital computerized refracting system, we can determine the best prescription for you.
The Neurolens Measurement Device, Gen 2 (NMD2)
The NMD2 is an objective, accurate and repeatable way to measure eye alignment. The cutting-edge eye tracking system allows the NMD2 to identify eye misalignment as small as 0.1 Prism Diopters, acquiring over 10,000 data points per patient.
iCare Tonometer
This accurate painless puffless tonometer measures the eye's intra-ocular pressure (IOP).
Humphrey FDT
This is used to assist with Glaucoma detection. It's designed for the examination, analysis and documentation of the field of sight, especially the light difference sensitivity and other functions of the human eye.